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Transforming by Clara Baisinger-Rosen

I’ve changed. I’ve grown taller, but my eyes seem to have shrunk. I’ve put more muscle on my arms, but my brain seems to be rusty. I’ve...

Strangers by Aleydis Barnes

The bus stop had seen plenty of visitors pass it by over its lifetime. Its iron-runged seats were rusted, russet brown bubbles cresting...

Fright by Isabel Ostheimer

1. Fright /frit/ noun A sudden intense feeling of fear. verb Frighten. -Oxford Languages 2. Fall was in the air. Walking around the...

america's backyard by Tara Davoodi

as i sit there, digging i can't help but think that all of this is futile. scooping out soil from the embalmed earth, planting rotten...

Oh, to Be Human by Anonymous

Preface From the beginning, Sapiens were greedy. Their curiosity caused them to take as much land as they could, and yet they still...

The Importance of Advocacy by Lily Freeman

I’ve always been a passionate believer in the need for gun safety measures. Whenever I see headlines about states repealing common sense...

It Starts with a Girl by Maeve Hagerty

Every day, we read more news stories and reports telling us that the polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, mass extinction...

My Name by Morgane Evans

Early 2001: I’m born on the 21st of January. My parents name me Morgane de Lacey Searight Evans, or girl of the sea, conqueror of Wales,...

When You Were With Me by Carlota Zamora

When you were with me I brought out the best in you I know this for a fact It can be proven simply By how you had all of these conflicts...

Cold Goose by Heather Wang

Oops — I’m sorry, I broke a promise today. It brought me right back to the time I snatched a fernwood twig from a bush, right back to...

The Bull Ring by Anonymous

One Two Four The bull paws at the white, scorching sand As the amphitheater rises to the challenge of A blazing sky And the anger is...

The Pianist by Maeve Hagerty

She was perched at the piano with fingers raw and worn. Tired was her face and weary was her form. Her feet lingered on the pedals: her...

The Flavor of Culture by Iman Ilias

I think it’s safe to say Today wasn’t the best of days I failed my Algebra test And in Phys Ed I didn’t get to rest Now finally I’m back...

I'm Sorry by Maeve Hagerty

I say “I’m sorry” — by a rough estimate — about one hundred seventy-two times a day: a possibly accurate, or probably false, figure. I...

God Bless America by Obi Onwuamaegbu

I scoff when I hear the American dream lives That the ideas of freedom and opportunity this country was founded on will never perish That...

Skipping Boulders by Anonymous

I know a woman who will not fly except in planes three seats next to five seats next to three She will not fly in narrow steel tubes,...


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